Soft and delicious Ghee Rotis

Chappathi or Roti(pan cooked flatbread)as we call it,sans the ghee,has been my food in need,the food that came to my rescue when I didn’t have enough time to spend in the kitchen with two newborns to tend to.The food I can eat with almost any curry,veggie or spread I had, in any form be it stuffed,wrapped or just shredded.

I’ve been making roti ever since I was introduced to it by my Mother-in-Law.It helped me through my working years in Doha(first time away from home),during the infant and toddler years and still during the growing up stage of my young ones.
I normally make about 25 to 30 rotis in one go,all cooked,freeze them up and take out the required quantity and reheat it in the pan again.My boys love to eat the roti’s rolled up with cheese or the favorite Nutella.Yummy!


I never knew ghee was used to make roti’s till recently.We use it to make rice on special occasions called Ghee Rice and sweets and that’s it.First it was vegetable oil,then I started using a tablespoon or two of olive oil in my rotis.And then I happen to taste this most delicious rotis in one of my friend’s party and I’m all over it.
She reveals the secret ingredient,none other than Ghee.Lots of it.Hailing from Punjab,India she says they are heavy ghee users and add it to most of their dishes.

When it comes to ghee,people shun away,just as they would with butter and all the saturated fat stuff,just as they shunned away from coconut and coconut oil now believed to be health foods which my ancestors were using for centuries.

Contrary to popular belief,ghee is considered healthy when taken in moderation.
That’s the reason I thought to post this simple recipe as it’ll be a great addition to the meals for our growing up kids.
The benefits of ghee are listed here in Nutrihealth.
Here is an article from the site MidEats by our fellow Fooderati Arabia members,Heba and Brenda.
And if you’re keen on making your own ghee at home,you should read this from eCurry.

This is a lunch wrap I made for my hubby using the roti and meatball curry which will follow in my next post.
Here’s the recipe.

Ghee Roti

2 cups wholewheat Atta flour
3 tbsp or more Ghee(you can adjust the amount)
1 tsp salt
warm water about half a cup


  • Mix the flour and salt together,then add the ghee and mix.
  • Add the warm water little by little,kneading until it forms a dough.
  • Rest the dough for about one or two hours,keeping it covered.
  • Divide the dough,flatten it and cook on both sides until done.
  • Always use warm water for soft rotis.
  • Knead the dough thoroughly.
  • You can sprinkle some oil when cooking but I prefer not to.
  • If you make it ahead of time,keep it covered till you eat it.
  • You can transfer cooked rotis into the freezer properly wrapping it,then take the required quantity out and heat it again one by one.



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  1. Roti is staple in my house and I like to smear ghee on it and also sometimes add ghee in the dough to keep the rotis soft.
    Your presentation is lovely and pictures are beautiful.

  2. love love love rotis, pick it over rice any day. And yes, ghee on rotis is a match made in heaven!
    God I love your photos…

  3. Hi. I tried your recipe. My roti came out sift and fluffy.

    I am now going to make my next batch.

    Thank you for sharing

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